The regular Mass schedule has resumed for Parish of the Holy Spirit and Mary, Queen of Peace Parish.
The following protocols are in place for COVID-19 :​​
Churches are not exceeding 40% capacity. At this time, we are not close to 40% capacity at any of our five churches.
6-foot distancing is observed, in some of the churches an usher may direct you to your seat. At Communion time, an usher may also help space people who are receiving.
Masks are strongly encouraged throughout the service. A limited supply is available if you should forget to bring one.
Kneelers are to be left down at the end of Mass, indicating where you have sat; after each Mass, the churches are sanitized.
There are no missalettes in the pews and is no holy water in the fonts.
There will be no offertory collection; baskets are placed in the entrances of the churches if you would like to leave an offering.
If you have any questions or concerns, please call the parish office at (603) 352-3525.